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Price: €4.90/pcs


Sleazy, creamy, tasty and nutritious. These are the characteristics of the artisan meat pâté, made from young beef and pork of protected origin raised on chemical-free food.
Due to its canned packaging, it is extremely practical for traveling.
A real travel companion with a nostalgic taste.
Thanks to its high vitamin content, it contributes to the replacement of everyday vitamins, Its regular consumption gives us strength and an all-powerful will.
This product is also free of nitrates and nitrites, and contains minimal spices in addition to pure rock salt, so it can be consumed by food allergies and allergy sufferers.

Ingredients: Beef meat (40%), pork meat (30%), pork bacon (30%)

Spices: Additive free salt, very small proportions of pepper and marjoram.

Nutritional value / 100g: 22g protein, 31g fat, 0,9g carbohydrate.

Shelf life:
After opening 2-3 days, stored in a refrigerator: (between 0°C and +5°C) Without opening: 5 months..

The picture is only an illustration! In reality, the color, size and meat-to-fat ratio of the product may differ. This depends on the nature of the meat processed by our producers.


Our products are manufactured by reliable small producers, using technology that requires a great deal of professional knowledge and is an extremely difficult task and challenge for them. Since at our request, they cannot use stock improvers, preservatives, flavor enhancers and other additives, or even any spices, that is why there is the phenomenon that, although the raw materials are of premium quality, the finished products are sometimes variable. Depending on how fatty or dry the meat of the animal being processed is, which part of it can be prepared to the right consistency, etc.
Our products are not made on an assembly line or using an industrial method, so we cannot guarantee exactly the same quality.
Please take these into account when placing your order. Thank You!

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